Class ContextMenuTool

Extends Tool. The ContextMenuTool is used to create and show a context menu.It automatically disables any browser context menu.

Define context menus on individual GraphObjects by setting GraphObject.contextMenu.Define a context menu for the diagram background by setting Diagram.contextMenu.

This tool is a standard mouse-down tool, the ToolManager.contextMenuTool.

This tool does not utilize any tool handles.This tool does not modify the model or conduct any transaction,although any code invoked by context menu commands might do so.

There are examples of customizing this tool in theCustom Context Menu andHTML LightBox Context Menu samples.

If you want to programmatically show a context menu for a particular GraphObject or for thewhole diagram, call CommandHandler.showContextMenu.That command method is also invoked by the Menu key on the keyboard.

Normally this shows a context menu (if available) on a right-mouse-up event.If you want it to happen on a right-mouse-down event, you'll need to move this toolfrom the ToolManager.mouseUpTools list to the ToolManager.mouseDownTools list:

myDiagram.toolManager.mouseDownTools.add(myDiagram.toolManager.replaceTool("ContextMenu", null));

Constructor Summary Details

Name Description

You do not normally need to create an instance of this toolbecause one already exists as the ToolManager.contextMenuTool, which you can modify.More...

The of this tool is "ContextMenu".

Properties Summary Details

Name, Value Type Description

Gets or sets the currently showing context menu, or null if there is none.More... This is typically only set in showContextMenu and not by the user.It is also typically set to null in hideContextMenu.

{GraphObject} 1.4

Gets or sets the GraphObject found at the mouse point that has a context menu.More... This property remembers the result returned by findObjectWithContextMenu if it is a GraphObject.This value is passed to showContextMenu as the second argument.The value will be null if the context menu is for the diagram rather than for a particular GraphObject.


Gets or sets the HTMLInfo or Adornment that acts as the default touch context menu.More... On touch devices, this context menu will appear even there is no context menu defined.

You can disable this functionality by setting this property to null.

By default shows a set of HTML elements acting as a context menu.


This read-only property returns the original mouse-down point in document coordinates.

Properties borrowed from class Tool:
diagram, isActive, isEnabled, name, transactionResult

Method Summary Details

Name, Return Type Description

Return true if it's a mouse right click that hasn't moved Tool.isBeyondDragSizeand that is on a GraphObject with a GraphObject.contextMenu.More... This is also true if the mouse right click is in the diagram backgroundand the diagram's Diagram.contextMenu is non-null.

On touch devices, a special default context menu will appear even if no object with a context menu is found.

This method may be overridden.


Do nothing, activation is special and relies on doMouseUp


Activate this but also execute the normal behavior that would happen on a mouse-upif this tool is in the ToolManager.mouseDownTools list.


Handle mouse-enter, mouse-over, and mouse-leave events, as well as tooltips.


If there is something found by findObjectWithContextMenu,call showContextMenu with that object's GraphObject.contextMenuor the Diagram.contextMenu.More...

Once a context menu is being shown,if a click occurs on a part of the context menu, call Tool.standardMouseClick.Otherwise if the click occurs elsewhere, just stop this tool.Unlike most tools, the first mouse-up should not stop this tool.


Find a GraphObject at the current mouse point with a GraphObject.contextMenu,or return the Diagram if there is a Diagram.contextMenu.More...

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.

{GraphObject|Diagram=} obj
Optional GraphObject with which to start searching for a context menu.If null, the Diagram will be used. If no argument is specified, this method will look for an object at the current mouse point.
{GraphObject|Diagram} something with a contextMenu,or null if nothing can be found with a context menu at the current mouse point.

Hide any context menu.More...

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.


This is the HTMLInfo.hide method for the defaultTouchContextMenu.More...

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensionsfor how to override methods and how to call this base method.

positionContextMenu(contextmenu, obj)

This is called by showContextMenu to position the context menu within the viewport.More... It normally goes just below the cursor.But if the mouse is too close to the right edge or the bottom edge of the viewport,it is positioned left and/or above the cursor.

This method only operates if the context menu, an Adornment, does not have a Adornment.placeholder.When there is a Placeholder in the context menu, that Adornment is automatically positionedso that the Placeholder is positioned at the adorned object, the second argument to this method.

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.

If you override this method to position the context menu,the context menu has already been measured but not arranged,so you can use its GraphObject.measuredBounds width and heightbut not its GraphObject.actualBounds.

{Adornment} contextmenu
{GraphObject} obj
The GraphObject getting the context menu,or null if the context menu is for the diagram background.
showContextMenu(contextmenu, obj)

Show an Adornment or HTMLInfo as a context menu.More...

For Adornment context menus: If the object's containing Part is data-bound,set the contextmenu's to the same value.The Adornment.adornedObject property is set to the GraphObject for which the menu is being shown.

This method sets the currentContextMenu.

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.

{Adornment|HTMLInfo} contextmenu
{GraphObject} obj
the GraphObject for which the context menu is being shown; this is null if the contextmenu is being shown for the diagram background.

This is the method for the defaultTouchContextMenu.More...

If the object's containing Part is data-bound,set the contextmenu's to the same value.The Adornment.adornedObject property is set to the GraphObjectfor which the menu is being shown.

This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensionsfor how to override methods and how to call this base method.

Methods borrowed from class Tool:
cancelWaitAfter, canStartMultiTouch, doCancel, doDeactivate, doKeyDown, doKeyUp, doMouseWheel, doStart, doStop, doWaitAfter, findToolHandleAt, isBeyondDragSize, standardMouseClick, standardMouseOver, standardMouseSelect, standardMouseWheel, standardPinchZoomMove, standardPinchZoomStart, standardWaitAfter, startTransaction, stopTool, stopTransaction, updateAdornments