Class Model

Models hold the essential data of a diagram, describing the basic entities and their properties and relationshipswithout specifying the appearance and behavior of the Nodes and Links and Groups that represent them visually.Models tend to hold only relatively simple data, making them easy to persist by serialization as JSON or XML formatted text.

Models hold simple data objects, not Parts such as Nodes or Links.Node data is normally represented in a Diagram by instances of Node,but they could be represented by simple Parts or by Groups.A Diagram constructs Parts for its Diagram.model's data by copying templates.Templates are Panels of GraphObjects that get some property values from the model data,accessible via the property, using data Binding.See Using Models and Data Binding for an introduction.

This Model class only supports holding an array of node dataand interpreting properties on that data to be able to refer to themusing unique key values.To support simple tree-structured graphs, use a TreeModel, which inherits from this class.To support links and grouping, use a GraphLinksModel.

Each node data object is assumed to have a unique key value.The nodeKeyProperty property names the property on the node data whose valueis the unique key for that node data object.The default value for this property is "key".You should not have a TwoWay data binding on the node key property,because that might cause the property value to be set to a duplicate key value.

The key values must be either strings or numbers or undefined.If the key is undefined, or if there are duplicate key values,the model will automatically try to assign a new unique key value.Caution: if your keys are numbers, do not try to use string representations of those numbers as keys.Conversely, if your keys are strings that happen to have number syntax, do not try to use those number values.Sometimes JavaScript will automatically convert from string to number or vice-versa, but sometimes it won't.

For example, one can define a graph consisting of just two nodes:

 model.nodeDataArray = [   { key: "Alpha" },   { key: "Beta" } ];

This model cannot detect the modification of the nodeDataArray arrayor the modification of any node data object.If you want to add or remove node data from the nodeDataArray,call the addNodeData or removeNodeData methods.

If you want to modify a node data object, it depends on whether the property you want to changeis a structural property that the model needs to know about, or whether it is a propertythat is only used for data binding or other application-specific purposes.

For the former case, call the appropriate method, such assetKeyForNodeData, setCategoryForNodeData,GraphLinksModel.setToKeyForLinkData, or GraphLinksModel.setGroupKeyForNodeData.These methods have names that start with "set", "add", "insert", or "remove".

For the latter case, when setting an application-specific property, typically for data binding,and to support undo/redo, call setDataProperty.

The copyNodeData method can be called to make a shallow copy of a node data object.However, if some of those property values are Arrays that want not to be shared but to be copied,you can set copiesArrays to true. This is typically very useful when dealingwith data bound item arrays.Furthermore if the items in those copied Arrays are in fact Objects that need to be copied,you can also set copiesArrayObjects to true, causing a copied Array to refer tonewly shallow-copied objects of the original array.

Each model raises ChangedEvents that you can follow by registering a listener via addChangedListener.Read more at the Introduction page: Changed Events.

Each model comes with its own UndoManager that is initially not enabled.You will need to set UndoManager.isEnabled to true in order for theUndoManager to record model changes and for your users to perform undo and redo.

You can temporarily turn off the recording of changes by settingskipsUndoManager to true.A number of places within the system do that routinely in order to avoid recording temporary changes,so be sure to remember the original value beforehand and restore it afterwards.

One normally saves a diagram by just saving its model.If you can use JSON-formatted text, this is easy to do -- just call toJsonto get the string representation of the model, and save that string.Load the diagram by replacing the Diagram.model with one created by callingthe static function Model.fromJson:

  myDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(loadedString);
Note that JSON and other textual data formats cannot faithfully store all JavaScript functions.toJson and Model.fromJson do not try to save and load functional property values.You should arrange that all such functions, including event handlers, are established by your app.toJson and Model.fromJson also cannot handle circular references; any sharing ofreferences will be lost too.They also skip properties that are not enumerable, those whose names start with an underscore, and those whose values are undefined.

Note that models also do not store the templates used by diagrams,nor any transient or temporary parts such as Adornments, nor any tools,nor any UndoManager state, nor any event listeners.These objects and all other properties of diagrams must be established by your app.

You can add any number of properties to the modelData object, which is serialized and deserializedinto JSON just like any other model data for nodes or links.However modelData is associated with the model as a whole and does not depend on the existenceof any node data or link data.

It is also easy to save the changes that were recorded in the most recent transaction.Call toIncrementalJson to generate a JSON-format string that holds the current state of modified dataplus the keys of inserted or removed data.That method requires as an argument a ChangedEvent that represents a transaction that completed oran undo or a redo that just finished.

It is also possible to use such "incremental" JSON to modify an existing model.Call applyIncrementalJson, giving it a string generated by toIncrementalJson,to modify this model by making all of the changes recorded in the JSON text.Note how this method is a regular instance method, whereas Model.fromJson is a static function.

Constructor Summary Details

Name Description

You probably don't want to call this constructor, because this classdoes not support links (relationships between nodes) or groups (nodes and links and subgraphs as nodes):instead, create instances of a subclass such as GraphLinksModel or TreeModel.More...

{Array.=} nodedataarray
an optional Array containing JavaScript objects to be represented by Parts.

Properties Summary Details

Name, Value Type Description
{boolean} 1.5

Gets or sets whether the default behavior for copyNodeData when copying Arrays also copies array items that are Objects.More... This only covers copying Objects that are items in Arrays that are copied when copiesArrays is true.Copying an Object when this property is true also recursively copies any Arrays that are property values.It also assumes that the object's constructor can be called with no arguments.

The default value is false.This property does not affect any behavior when the value of copyNodeDataFunction has been set to a function.This property has no effect unless copiesArrays is true.

Caution: if you want a copied data object to share some references but not others,you will need to provide your own copying function as copyNodeDataFunction rather than settingthis property and copiesArrays to true.

Warning: there should not be any cyclical references within the model data.

{boolean} 1.5

Gets or sets whether the default behavior for copyNodeData makes copies of property values that are Arrays.More... This only copies Arrays that are top-level property values in node data objects, not for Arrays that are in nested objects.Copying Arrays will also copy any array items that are Objects when copiesArrayObjects is true.

The default value is false.It is commonplace to set copiesArrayObjects to true when setting this property to true.This property does not affect any behavior when the value of copyNodeDataFunction has been set to a function.

Caution: if you want a copied data object to share some Arrays but not others,you will need to provide your own copying function as copyNodeDataFunction rather than settingthis property to true.

Warning: there should not be any cyclical references within the model data.

{function(Object, Model):Object | null}

Gets or sets a function that makes a copy of a node data object.More...

You may need to set this property in order to ensure that a copied Node is boundto data that does not share certain data structures between the original node data and the copied node data.This property value may be null in order to cause copyNodeData to make a shallow copy of a JavaScript Object.The default value is null.

The first argument to the function will be a node data object (potentially a Part's second argument to the function will be this Model itself.

It is common to implement a copying function when the node data has an Array of dataand that Array needs to be copied rather than shared.Often the objects that are in the Array also need to be copied.


Gets or sets the name of the format of the diagram data.More... The default value is the empty string.The value must not be null.Use different values to prevent parts from one model to be copy/pasted or drag-and-dropped into another diagram/model.


Gets or sets whether this model may be modified, such as adding nodes.More... By default this value is false.Setting the nodeDataArray to something that is not a true Array of Objectswill cause this to be set to true.

Model methods and property setters do not heed this property.It is up to code that uses a model to check this property when it might want toprevent changes to the model.

{function(Model, Object):(string|number) | null}

Gets or sets a function that returns a unique id number or string for a node data object.More... This function is called by makeNodeDataKeyUniquewhen a node data object is added to the model, either as part of a newnodeDataArray or by a call to addNodeData, to make sure the value ofgetKeyForNodeData is unique within the model.

The value may be null in order to cause makeNodeDataKeyUnique behave in the standard manner.(The default value is null.)You may want to supply a function here in order to make sure all of the automatically generated keysare in a particular format.Setting this property after setting nodeDataArray has no real effect until there is a callto addNodeData.

If a node data object is already in the model and you want to change its key value,call setKeyForNodeData with a new and unique key.


Gets a JavaScript Object that can hold programmer-defined property values for the model as a whole,rather than just for one node or one link.More...

By default this an object with no properties.Any properties that you add to this object will be written out by toJsonand will be restored by Model.fromJson, if the following conditions are true:

  • the property is enumerable and its name does not start with an underscore ('_')
  • the property value is not undefined and is not a function
  • the model knows how to convert the property value to JSON format
  • property values that are Objects or Arrays form a tree structure -- no shared or cyclical references
Most object classes cannot be serialized into JSON without special knowledge and processing at both ends.The toJson and Model.fromJson methods automatically do such processing for numbers that are NaNand for objects that are of class Point, Size, Rect, Margin, Spot,Brush (but not for brush patterns), and for Geometry.

At the current time one cannot have a Diagram as a binding target.Calling setDataProperty will work to change a property value, but there are no target bindings in any Diagrams to be updated.Because the binding mechanism is unavailable for this object, we recommend that when you want to save a modelthat you explicitly set properties on this object just before calling toJson.When loading a model, call Model.fromJson and explicitly get the properties that you want to set on a Diagram.


Gets or sets the name of this model.More... The initial name is an empty string.The value must not be null.


Gets or sets the name of the node data property that returns a string naming that data's category.More... The value may also be a function taking two arguments, where the first argument will be a node data object.If the second argument is not supplied, the function should return the category name;if the second argument is supplied, the function should modify the node data object so that it has that new category name.The default value is the string 'category', meaning that it expects the data to have a property named 'category' if it cares to name a category.This is used by the diagram to distinguish between different kinds of nodes.The name must not be null.If the value is an empty string,getCategoryForNodeData will return an empty string for all node data objects.


Gets or sets the array of node data objects that correspond to Nodes,Groups, or non-Link Parts in the Diagram.More... The initial value is an empty Array.

For each Object in the Array, getKeyForNodeData should return a number or stringuniquely identifying the node data within the model.If it returns undefined, this calls makeNodeDataKeyUnique,to make sure the node data has a unique key.These key values may be used by other objects to refer to that particular node data object.If more than one node data object has the same key,there may be some confusion about which object to reference.

If you want to use a custom data property for holding the unique key value on a node data object,you should set nodeKeyProperty before you set this nodeDataArray property.

Adding or removing data from this Array will not notify this model or the diagramthat there are any new nodes or that any nodes have been deleted.Instead you should call addNodeData or removeNodeData.


Gets or sets the name of the data property that returns a unique id number or string for each node data object.More... The value may also be a function taking two arguments, where the first argument will be a node data object.If the second argument is not supplied, the function should return the unique key value;if the second argument is supplied, the function should modify the node data object so that it has that new value as its unique key value.The default value is the name 'key', meaning that it expects the data to have a property named 'key' if it has a key value.The name must not be null or the empty string.You must set this property before assigning the nodeDataArray.


Gets or sets whether ChangedEvents are not recorded by the UndoManager.More... The initial and normal value is false.WARNING: while this property is true do not perform any changes that cause any previous transactionsto become impossible to undo.

When this property is true, changing the Model or any data object does not call UndoManager.handleChanged.Even when this property is true,transactions (such as calls to startTransaction) and undo/redo (such as calls to CommandHandler.undo)are still delegated to the undoManager.

You should set this to true only temporarily, and you should remember its previous value before setting this to true.When finishing the period for which you want the UndoManager to be disabled,do not blindly set this property to false.You should set this back to the value it had before you set it to true.For more permanent disabling of the UndoManager, set UndoManager.isEnabled to false.

This property is also set when setting Diagram.skipsUndoManager.Setting this property does not raise a ChangedEvent.


Gets or sets the UndoManager for this Model.More...

The default UndoManager has its UndoManager.isEnabled property set to false.If you want users to undo and redo, you should set that property to true once you have initialized the Diagram or its Model.

This property setter does not raise a ChangedEvent.

Method Summary Details

Name, Return Type Description
addArrayItem(arr, val)

Add an item at the end of a data array that may be data bound by a Panel as its Panel.itemArray,in a manner that can be undone/redone and that automatically updates any bindings.More...

This also calls raiseChangedEvent to notify all listeners about the ChangedEvent.Insert.

If you want to add a new node or part to the diagram, call addNodeData.

See also:
{Array.<*>} arr
an Array that is the value of some Panel's Panel.itemArray.
{*} val
the new value to be pushed onto the array.

Register an event handler that is called when there is a ChangedEvent.More...

This registration does not raise a ChangedEvent.In case a Diagram's Model may be replaced, you may prefer calling Diagram.addModelChangedListener instead of this method.

Event listeners are not written out by toJson.

{function(ChangedEvent)} listener
a function that takes a ChangedEvent as its argument.

When you want to add a node or group to the diagram,call this method with a new data object.More... This will add that data to the nodeDataArray andnotify all listeners that a new node data object has been inserted into the collection.

To remove a node from the diagram, you can remove its data object by calling removeNodeData.

To add or remove an object or value from an item array, call insertArrayItem or removeArrayItem.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.

Add to this model all of the node data held in an Array or in an Iterable of node data objects.More...

{Iterable.|Array.} coll
a collection of node data objects to add to the nodeDataArray

Modify this model by applying the changes given in an "incremental" model change in JSON formatgenerated by toIncrementalJson.More... The expected properties of the argument are described at toIncrementalJson.Incremental changes must be applied in the same order that the changes occurred in the original model.

This requires the "incremental" property to be present and to be a number, as specified by toIncrementalJson.All of the top-level properties in the JSON, such as nodeKeyProperty, must be the same as for this model.

This conducts a transaction.

{string|Object} s
a String in JSON format containing modifications to be performed to the model, or a JavaScript Object parsed from such a string

Clear out all references to any model data.More... This also clears out the UndoManager, so this operation is not undoable.This method is called by Diagram.clear; it does not notify any Diagrams or other listeners.This method does not unregister any Changed event listeners.

Instead of calling this method, you may prefer to set nodeDataArray to an empty JavaScript Array.If this model is a GraphLinksModel, you would also want to set GraphLinksModel.linkDataArray to a separate empty JavaScript Array.


Copies properties from this model to the given model, which must be of the same class.More... This is called by copy.This method may be overridden.Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method.

{Model} copy

Commit the changes of the current transaction.More... This just calls UndoManager.commitTransaction.

{string=} tname
a descriptive name for the transaction.
{boolean} the value returned by UndoManager.commitTransaction.

Decide if a given node data object is in this model, using reference equality.More...

If you do not have a reference to the particular data object that is in the nodeDataArray,you may need to search for it by iterating through that Array,or by finding the desired Node or simple Part in a Diagram and getting that node's,or most likely by calling findNodeDataForKey.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.
{boolean} true if it is a node data object in this model; false otherwise.
{Model} 1.6

Creates a shallow copy of this Model and returns it.More... The data are not copied: nodeDataArray, modelData,GraphLinksModel.linkDataArray, GraphLinksModel.archetypeNodeData are left empty.Nor are any Changed listeners or the UndoManager copied.

{Model} an empty copy of the model with the same properties, other than data

Make a copy of a node data object.More... This uses the value of copyNodeDataFunction to actually perform the copy, unless that property is null.When it is null the default behavior is to just make a shallow copy of the JavaScript Object.

However when copiesArrays is true, this will make a copy of property values that are JavaScript Arrays.This is useful when you do not want the Arrays to be shared between the node data objects.Note that if you want to copy some property values that are Arrays but not other properties that are Arrays,you cannot use copiesArrays but must implement your own copyNodeDataFunction.

In addition when copiesArrayObjects is true, if items in the Array being copied are JavaScript Objects,those objects are copied, recursively.This is useful when the items in copied Arrays are themselves objects that need to be copied.Note that if you want to share references to some but not all of the objects in copied Arrays you cannot usecopiesArrayObjects but must implement your own copyNodeDataFunction.

This does not modify the model -- the returned data object is not added to this model.This assumes that the data's constructor can be called with no arguments.

Models should not have any references to Diagrams or GraphObjects or Tools or Layouts or other objectsthat form a Diagram.

Warning: there should not be any cyclical references within the model data, unless youeither do not turn on copiesArrays or copiesArrayObjects or unless you havesupplied your own copyNodeDataFunction that can handle cyclical references.

See also:
{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.

Given a number or string, find the node data object in this modelthat uses the given value as its unique key.More...

{(string|number|undefined)} key
a string or a number.
{Object} null if the key is not present in the model,or if the key is null or undefined or not a string or number.
Model.fromJson(s, model)

This static function parses a string in JSON format that was written by Model.toJson,and then constructs, initializes, and returns a model with that information.More...

Note that properties with values that are functions are not written out by toJson,so reading in such a model will require constructing such a model, initializing its functional property values,and explicitly passing it in as the second argument.

Typical usage:

var modelAsText = ...;  // fetch the model in textual format from a databasemyDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(modelAsText);
{string|Object} s
a String in JSON format containing all of the persistent properties of the model, or an Object already read from JSON text.
{Model=} model
an optional model to be modified; if not supplied, it constructs and returns a new model whose name is specified by the "class" property.
{Model} the supplied or created model loaded with data from the given string.

Find the category of a given node data, a string naming the node templateor group template or part templatethat the Diagram should use to represent the node data.More...

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.

Given a node data object return its unique key: a number or a string.More... This returns undefined if there is no key value.

It is possible to change the key for a node data object by calling setKeyForNodeData.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.
insertArrayItem(arr, idx, val)

Add an item to a data array that may be data bound by a Panel as its Panel.itemArray,given a new data value and the index at which to insert the new value, in a manner that can be undone/redone and that automatically updates any bindings.More...

This also calls raiseChangedEvent to notify all listeners about the ChangedEvent.Insert.

If you want to add a new node or part to the diagram, call addNodeData.

See also:
{Array.<*>} arr
an Array that is the value of some Panel's Panel.itemArray.
{number} idx
the zero-based array index where the new value will be inserted; use -1 to push the new value on the end of the array.
{*} val
the new value to be inserted into the array.

This method is called when a node data object is added to the model to make sure thatgetKeyForNodeData returns a unique key value.More...

The key value should be unique within the set of data managed by this model:nodeDataArray.If the key is already in use, this will assign an unused number to thenodeKeyProperty property on the data.

If you want to customize the way in which node data gets a unique key,you can set the makeUniqueKeyFunction functional property.

If the node data object is already in the model and you want to change its key value,call setKeyForNodeData and give it a new unique key value.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.
raiseChangedEvent(change, propertyname, obj, oldval, newval, oldparam, newparam)

Call this method to notify that the model or its objects have changed.More... This constructs a ChangedEvent and calls all Changed listeners.

{EnumValue} change
specifies the general nature of the change; typically the value is ChangedEvent.Property.
{string|function(Object,?=):?} propertyname
names the property that was modified, or a function that takes an Object and returns the property value.
{Object} obj
the object that was modified, typically a GraphObject, Diagram, or a Model.
{*} oldval
the previous or older value.
{*} newval
the next or newer value.
{*=} oldparam
an optional value that helps describe the older value.
{*=} newparam
an optional value that helps describe the newer value.
raiseDataChanged(data, propertyname, oldval, newval, oldparam, newparam)

Call this method to notify about a data property having changed value.More... This constructs a ChangedEvent and calls all Changed listeners.

You should call this method only if the property value actually changed.This method is called by setDataProperty.

{Object} data
the data object whose property changed value.
{string|function(Object,?=):?} propertyname
the name of the property, or a function that takes an Object and returns the property value.
{*} oldval
the previous or old value for the property.
{*} newval
the next or new value for the property.
{*=} oldparam
an optional value additionally describing the old value.
{*=} newparam
an optional value additionally describing the new value.
removeArrayItem(arr, idx)

Remove an item from a data array that may be data bound by a Panel as its Panel.itemArray,given the index at which to remove a data value, in a manner that can be undone/redone and that automatically updates any bindings.More...

This also calls raiseChangedEvent to notify all listeners about the ChangedEvent.Remove.

If you want to remove a node from the diagram, call removeNodeData.

Note that there is no version of this method that takes an item value instead of an index into the array.Because item arrays may hold any JavaScript value, including numbers and strings, there may be duplicate entries with that value in the array.To avoid ambiguity, removing an item from an array requires an index.

See also:
{Array.<*>} arr
an Array that is the value of some Panel's Panel.itemArray.
{number=} idx
the zero-based array index of the data item to be removed from the array; if not supplied it will remove the last item of the array.

Unregister an event handler listener.More...

This deregistration does not raise a ChangedEvent.In case a Diagram's Model may be replaced, you may prefer calling Diagram.removeModelChangedListener instead of this method.

{function(ChangedEvent)} listener
a function that takes a ChangedEvent as its argument.

When you want to remove a node or group from the diagram,call this method with an existing data object.More... This will remove that data from the nodeDataArray andnotify all listeners that a node data object has been removed from the collection.

If you do not have a reference to the particular data object that is in the nodeDataArray,you may need to search for it by iterating through that Array,or by finding the desired Node or simple Part in a Diagram and getting that node's,or most likely by calling findNodeDataForKey.

Removing a node data from a model does not automatically removeany connected link data from the model.Removing a node data that represents a group does not automatically removeany member node data or link data from the model.

To add a node to the diagram, you can add its data object by calling addNodeData.

To add or remove an object or value from an item array, call insertArrayItem or removeArrayItem.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.

Remove from this model all of the node data held in an Array or in an Iterable of node data objects.More...

{Iterable.|Array.} coll
a collection of node data objects to remove from the nodeDataArray

Rollback the current transaction, undoing any recorded changes.More... This just calls UndoManager.rollbackTransaction.

{boolean} the value returned by UndoManager.rollbackTransaction.
setCategoryForNodeData(nodedata, cat)

Change the category of a given node data, a string naming the node templateor group template or part templatethat the Diagram should use to represent the node data.More...

Changing the node template for a node data will cause the existing Node, Group, or Partto be replaced with a new instance of the same classcreated by copying the new node template and applying any data-bindings.That means that the templates in the Diagram.nodeTemplateMap or Diagram.groupTemplateMapmust be instances of the same class -- one cannot convert a Node into a Group or vice-versaby setting the category.

Binding sources should not be (or depend in a conversion function on) the category of the dataif you might be modifying the category, because then some bindings might be evaluatedbefore or after the category has been changed.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.
{string} cat
Must not be null.
setDataProperty(data, propname, val)

Change the value of some property of a node data, a link data, an item data, or the Model.modelData,given a string naming the property and the new value,in a manner that can be undone/redone and that automatically updates any bindings.More...

This gets the old value of the property; if the value is the same as the new value, no side-effects occur.This calls raiseDataChanged to notify about the change.

Note that it is insufficient to modify an item Array (for example by pushing a new item onto the Array) andthen calling setDataProperty(data, "items", data.items) because the value ofdata.items is still the same reference.

If you modify the property that is the nodeKeyProperty, this will call setKeyForNodeData.

If you modify the property that is the nodeCategoryProperty or the GraphLinksModel.linkCategoryProperty,this will call setCategoryForNodeData or GraphLinksModel.setCategoryForLinkData.But if the category might change, Binding sources should not be (or depend in a conversion function on) the category of the data,because then some bindings might be evaluated before or after the category has been changed.

{Object} data
a JavaScript object typically the value of a and represented by a Node, Link, Group, simple Part, or item in a Panel.itemArray; or this model's modelData.
{string} propname
a string that is not null or the empty string.
{*} val
the new value for the property.
setKeyForNodeData(nodedata, key)

Change the unique key of a given node data that is already in this model.More... The new key value must be unique -- i.e. not in use by another node data object.You can call findNodeDataForKey to check if a proposed new key is already in use.

This operation will check all data objects in the model and replace all referencesusing the old key value with the new one.

If this is called on a node data object that is not (yet) in this model,this unconditionally modifies the property to the new key value.

{Object} nodedata
a JavaScript object represented by a node, group, or non-link.
{string|number} key

Begin a transaction, where the changes are held by a Transaction objectin the UndoManager.More... This just calls UndoManager.startTransaction.

{string=} tname
a descriptive name for the transaction.
{boolean} the value returned by UndoManager.startTransaction.
toIncrementalJson(e, classname)
{string} 1.6

Produce a JSON-format string representing the changes in the most recent Transaction.More... This writes out JSON for a model, but recording only changes in the given Transaction,with the addition of the "incremental" property to mark it as different from a complete model.Instead of the "nodeDataArray" property (and "linkDataArray" property for GraphLinksModels),this will have "inserted...", "modified...", and "removed..." properties that are non-empty Arrays.

The "modifiedNodeData" Array holds JavaScript objects.The "insertedNodeKeys" and "removedNodeKeys" Arrays hold keys (numbers or strings) of data,not whole objects, that have been added and/or deleted.The "modelData" property holds the Model.modelData object, if it was modified.

Note that it is entirely plausible for the same object be in or referenced by all three Arrays,because a single Transaction can include adding a node, modifying it, and removing it.

The purpose of this method is to make it easier to send incremental changes to the server/database,instead of sending the whole model.Whereas it has always been easy to perform "batch" updates or "file saves":

  myDiagram.addModelChangedListener(function(e) {    if (e.isTransactionFinished) {      var json = e.model.toJson();      // save the whole model upon each transaction completion or undo/redo      ... send to server/database ...    }  });
You can now easily send "incremental" updates:
  myDiagram.addModelChangedListener(function(e) {    if (e.isTransactionFinished) {      var json = e.model.toIncrementalJson(e);      // record each Transaction as a JSON-format string      ... send to server/database ...    }  });
Note that these incremental changes include the results of undo and redo operations.Also, when you might call applyIncrementalJson, you will need to disable your Changed listener,so that it does not send spurious changes to your database during the process of apply incremental changes from the database.

For GraphLinksModels, this method requires that GraphLinksModel.linkKeyProperty is not an empty string.The incremental JSON for GraphLinksModels will include "modifiedLinkData", "insertedLinkKeys", and "removedLinkKeys"properties that are non-empty Arrays.

The same restrictions on data property names and data property values applies to this method as it does to toJson.

{ChangedEvent} e
a Transaction ChangedEvent for which ChangedEvent.isTransactionFinished is true
{string=} classname
for the written model, defaults to the name of the class of the model

Generate a string representation of the persistent data in this model, in JSON format,that can be read in later with a call to Model.fromJson.More...

Object properties that are not enumerable or whose names start with "_" are not written out.

Functions are not able to be written in JSON format, so any properties that have function valueswill not be saved in the JSON string.

There must not be any circular references within the model data.Any sharing of object references will be lost in the written JSON.

Most object classes cannot be serialized into JSON without special knowledge and processing at both ends.The toJson and Model.fromJson methods automatically do such processing for numbers that are NaNand for objects that are of class Point, Size, Rect, Margin, Spot,Brush (but not for brush patterns), and for Geometry.However, we recommend that you use Binding converters (static functions named "parse" and "stringify")to represent Points, Sizes, Rects, Margins, Spots, and Geometries as string values in your data, rather than as Objects.This makes the JSON text smaller and simpler and easier to read.

Typical usage:

var modelAsText = myDiagram.model.toJson();// now save this text string by sending it to your database
{string=} classname
The optional name of the model class to use in the output; for the standard models, this is their class name prefixed with "go.".
{string} a String in JSON format containing all of the persistent properties of the model.
updateTargetBindings(data, srcpropname)

Find a Part corresponding to the given data andcall its Panel.updateTargetBindings method, in each Diagramthat uses this Model.More...

Caution: setting a data property without calling setDataPropertyand then calling this updateTargetBindings method will update GraphObjects that are bound to the property,but such data settings will not be recorded in the UndoManager and therefore will not be undone/redone,causing an inconsistency between the GraphObjects and the part data.

{Object} data
The data object in this model that was modified.
{string=} srcpropname
If not present or the empty string, update all bindings on the target Part or item Panel; otherwise update only those bindings using this source property name.